MSK-HPV004 is used for collection, stabilization and transportation of collected specimen before HPV detection.
Environmental Sampling Kits have been designed for collecting hospital infection surveillance, food safety testing, water quality monitoring, indoor air quality testing and public health incident investigation, etc.
MSK-GTK002 is used for collection, stabilization and transportation of exfoliated buccal cells before genetics detection or DNA identification.
Bacteria Sampling Kits have been designed for collecting and preserving pathogenic bacteria specimen from the nasopharynx, wound, rectum and feces.
Bacteria Sampling Kits have been designed for collecting and preserving pathogenic bacteria specimen from the nasopharynx, wound, rectum and feces.
Virus Sampling Kits have been used for collection, stabilization and transportation of Covid-19, Influenza H1N1, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma.