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Sterile Swabs
Flocked Swabs
Foam Swabs
Cotton Swabs
Cervical Brushes
Sampling Kits
DNA Sampling Kits
HPV Sampling Kits
TCT Sampling Kits
Virus Sampling Kits
Bacteria Sampling Kits
Environmental Sampling Kits
Transport Swabs
Gel Transport Swabs
Dry Transport Swabs
Collection Devices
Urine Collection Kits
Feces Collection Kits
Saliva Collection Kits
HPV Self-sampling
Transport Mediums
DNA Transport Medium
HPV Transport Medium
VTM Transport Medium
TCT Transport Medium
Amies Transport Medium


MSK-GTK002 is used for collection, stabilization and transportation of exfoliated buccal cells before genetics detection or DNA identification.

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